Julian Pawlak, President of the Polish Associations of Juice Producers
President of the Polish Associations of Juice Producers since 2004. He has been linked to the Tymbark company since 1973 where he was serving as the President and the Managing Director for 13 years. Strategy Consultant and President of the Supervisory Board at Tymbark S.A. since 2013, currently the proxy of Tymbark - MWS Sp. z o.o.

Witold Boguta, PhD, President of National Council of the Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producers
Graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences; chairman of the Managing Commission of the Fund on Popularization of Fruit and Vegetables, head of the stabilization and fruit and vegetable market support team at the Agricultural Agreement, vice-president of EUCOFEL, member of the Fruit and Vegetable Market Observatory (subgroup of pomes, affiliated at the European Commission), expert on joint organization of fruit and vegetable markets, agricultural producer groups, agricultural cooperative movements and the common agricultural policy

Marian Sikora, Chairman of Federation Council of Agricultural Producer Industry Associations
President of Federation Council of Agricultural Producer Industry Associations since 2005, President of the Polish Association of Potato and Agriculture Seeds Association. Member of the Board at COPA-COGECA since 2005 and Vice-president of COPA since 2017.

Piotr Chęcielewski, Member of the Board at Jurajska SA and Marketing Director at Hortex
He has spent most of his professional career in companies producing food and alcoholic beverages, where he has performed multiple marketing and sales functions in Poland and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Graduate of the Faculty of Economy and Sociology at the University of Łódź (specialty: marketing). He acquired additional skills attending the Harvard Business School, London Business School and IMD programs.